Saturday, September 1, 2012

GJSieve 2.0 Progress Report

GJSieve 2.0 took only about a day to write!

Obviously, it is still in testing - but it seems to be working just fine. I was able to implement everything on the to-do list, too!

As you may well notice, there are indeed three testing threads, each of which now has their own message and display window. The boxes up on the top right have been changed around (and one deleted) to make things a bit easier to read and understand.

Perhaps most importantly, the PANIC button has been shrunk (though not deprecated) to make room for the Pause and STOP buttons. The Pause button will pause an in-progress test on all three threads, whilst the STOP button cancels the test outright and returns control to the main thread.

So, scenario time.

The test is running too long, but the application is responding and progress is being made - STOP
The test is running too long, and appears to be hanging and/or not responding - PANIC
You're bored of watching the test and/or need to give the CPU a break - Pause

Simple enough.

Additionally, the results files printed by the Save to File command are much more detailed and also better formatted.

Tweeting is new in GJSieve (for Windows anyway), although the implementation is exactly the same as IsItPrime's with the obvious change of tweeting the Proth number.

Tweets will not/cannot show results.

Technically speaking, in order to save a results file and/or post a Tweet from GJSieve 2.0, you need only enter k and n and press Calculate. You needn't have actually tested a number at all. However, the results file will show nothing at all, and I'm likely going to put in a check to make sure you aren't trying to save results for tests that were never performed!

One known issue arises with the "Show Proth Number" button. Currently, it shows a window that is populated upon pressing the "Calculate..." button. This is all well and good, except that you MUST click the button again (when it says "Hide Proth Number") rather than closing the window itself. For some reason, simply destroying the window sends mixed messages and leads to undefined behavior.

I can/will fix that - I'm just not entirely sure how.

I also have to make tooltips for every new thing here...

Additionally, a 64-bit version of GJSieve 2.0 is in the works. The biggest (and perhaps only) noticeable difference will be the absence of the CPU and RAM display bar, as 64-bit Windows API does not support inline assembly code (the _asm intrinsic). Oh well.

And now you know what I've done with my Saturday!

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